‘ITCM’ chases the blues away in Athens


A party “for no other occasion but simply to welcome the new year with the right mood” was how Greek boutique broking shop Intelligence Trade & Consultancy Maritime, or more simply, “itcm”, announced an event they were holding.

And it was the perfect kick-off to send the blues scuttling into the corner.

The strictly regulated guest list was aimed at what the company called “future shipping leaders”. In other words, no fuddy-duddies. The average age of the guests was definitely on the right side of 35, although On the Watch did spot a few more mature individuals, even if they may be considered “fun” people.

Among the well-known faces glimpsed in the crowd were those of Stamatis Molaris of Alma Maritime, Michael Tsangaris of Tsangaris Bros and Stephanos Angelakos of Angelakos (Hellas), to name but a few.

Dim light, strong music and fashionable food were all part of the relaxed evening with another dash of glam in the form of a pair of shapely waitresses cruising around the room on roller skates.

Now that really is life in the fast track.

Published: tradewindsnews.com (January 2012)